Assignments for the Benefit of Creditors

Assignments For The Benefit Of Creditors

Assignments for the benefit of creditors are an effective and efficient alternative to bankruptcy. DSI ABCs provides an Assignee that will move nimbly within your state’s laws, communicate openly and with transparency to your creditors, manage equity’s expectations, and negotiate with lenders and investors toward the maximal outcome.

Work With Us

DSI ABCs is led by Steven L. Victor, a leader in the field of ABCs with decades of experience in the related restructuring, bankruptcy and ABC fields. DSI ABCs proceeds from a basic fact: your circumstances are unique to you. Your assignee will staff the case with professionals whose experience is suited to the needs of the business and the industry in which it operates and who can navigate the markets for the company or its assets and the often-competing demands of company stakeholders.

Who We Serve

Secured lenders, private equity and venture capital firms and principal of the distressed business and the Board of Directors all look to the assignee as a fiduciary that can maximize creditor recoveries.

Case Studies

Assignee for the Benefit of Creditors
  • ABC under Delaware Law
  • Liquidation of multi-state operations across the country
  • Work with state environmental agencies to ensure all work had been properly done
Assignee for the Benefit of Creditors
  • ABC of a for-profit education provider
  • Assignment with the consent of the secured lender group
  • Managed the resolution of U.S. Department of Education claim
  • Manages continuing requests for transcripts from former students
Assignee for the Benefit of Creditors
  • Business was maintained post-assignment through a Transition Management Services Agreement with the stalking horse bidder
  • Chancery Court required additional post-assignment marketing before approving the sale
  • Process preserved the going concern value of the business which reduced the loss by all classes of creditors