Accuworx Inc.

Accuworx Inc.

Accuworx Inc.

Assignee for the Benefit of Creditors

  • Assignment for the benefit of creditors under Delaware Law
  • Liquidation of multi-state operations across the country
  • Work with state environmental agencies to ensure all work had been properly done

Accuworx was an industrial cleaning and environmental emergency remediation company with offices across the country. The company specialized in hazardous waste management and soil remediation services for emergency situations including wildfire-related services in California.

DSI has been the Assignee for the benefit of creditors of the U.S. operations of this environmental remediation business with operations in New Hampshire, Vermont, Texas, California and Nevada. The ABC is under the supervision of the Chancery Court for the State of Delaware. The Assignee has addressed the liquidation of equipment, collection of accounts receivable, dealing with state environmental agencies and pursuit of various claims against third parties.

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