George E. Shoup III

George E. Shoup III

George Shoup has been with DSI since 1994 and presently manages DSI’s Columbus, Ohio
office. He has led and assisted DSI teams in various roles in some of its most complex
restructuring and insolvency proceedings throughout the country.

Mr. Shoup has focused on the successful implementation of the restructuring process and has
acted as replacement management for companies in assignments for the benefit of creditors,
federal and state court receiverships, consensual workout arrangements and bankruptcy cases.
Mr. Shoup’s areas of expertise include stabilization of distressed operations, supplier and
vendor management, asset sale negotiations, cash flow forecasting and budgeting, liquidation
analysis and avoidance action analysis.

Notable assignments include:

  • Federal Receiver – Pandya Restaurants LLC, et al.
  • Federal Receiver – Boaz Shopping Center LLC, et al.
  • Plan Trustee – J&E Land Company, LLC, Post-Confirmation Trustee, Chapter 11
  • Liquidation
  • Financial Advisor – Woodbridge Group of Companies, Chapter 11 Liquidation,
  • Liquidation of Loan and REO Property Portfolio
  • Assistant Chief Restructuring Officer – Irwin Mortgage Corp., Chapter 11 Liquidation
  • Financial Advisor to the Unsecured Creditors’ Committee and Post-Confirmation Trustee
  • – Appalachian Fuels, LLC, Chapter 11 Liquidation
  • Financial Advisor to the Trustee and U.S. Department of Justice – Near North National
  • Group, Criminal Forfeiture matter
  • Financial Advisor to the Debtor – National Auto Lenders, Inc., Confirmed Plan
  • Reorganization
  • Financial Advisor to the Debtor – Bill Heard Enterprises, Inc., Chapter 11 Sale of
  • Operations
  • Principal involvement with engagement teams in several law firm insolvencies, including
  • Dewey & LeBoeuf, LLP, Coudert Brothers LLP, Arter & Hadden LLP, Altheimer & Gray
  • LLP, Keck Mahin & Cate and Ruden McClosky PA
  • Numerous assignments for the benefits of creditors in Illinois, Delaware, Florida, New
  • York and California
  • Served as a Receiver in the United States District Court, Southern District of New York,
  • United States District Court, Southern District of Ohio, United States District Court,
  • Western District of Tennessee and Circuit Court of Cook County, Chicago, Illinois

Mr. Shoup served as member of the Board of Directors of the TriState Association for Corporate
Renewal from 2011-2019, as well as an active member of the American Bankruptcy Institute
and Turnaround Management Association.

Prior to joining DSI, Mr. Shoup was employed by Sedgwick Noble Lowndes Ltd. as a Defined
Contribution Analyst and administered various types of employee benefit plans. He is a
graduate of Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he earned his
Bachelor’s Degree in Finance.

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