It is the policy of DSI ABCs, LLC, and each series limited liability authorized to serve as an assignee for the benefit of creditors thereunder that information provided by creditors will be maintained in confidence to the extent practicable and permitted by law. This means that we will not (1) sell or share for profit creditor information to third parties, whether in raw, aggregated, or other form, or (2) solicit creditors for purposes unrelated to the assignment case.
Creditor information may be shared where such sharing (1) is required by law, court order, governmental investigation, or other legal authority or (2) may be reasonably necessary to the performance of the assignee’s duties for the benefit of the assignment beneficiaries.
We may also share creditor information with Development Specialists, Inc., pursuant to its rights as DSI ABCs’ sole managing member, but it will likewise neither sell creditor information to third parties nor solicit creditors for unrelated purposes.